Monday, December 7, 2015

How to use sky3ds+ to play 4gb rom issue ?

Sky3ds+ has been released for about a week , but  I read the details. fast32 support max 4gb file. Is that 4gb rom file is like 4gb++. so no way to transfer to the fat32 micro sd currently ??

The answer is :  You need a 3rd party tools to trim the rom(larger than 4GB) at the moment !

So how to make is happen ?  See below the guide .

1.  Download a 3rd party tools from here

2. open the 3DSExplorer.exe files and insert the 3ds game rom to unzip .
3.Then click : CCI , you will see the 3ds game rom has become less than 4gb .

Notice : as sky3ds+ micro tf card formated 32 FAT ,So the almost volume is 4 gb ,so this is why we need to transffer the games rom to a smaller . 

Of course , you can see the vedio tutorial from below :

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1 comment:

  1. sky3ds+ save game2 restore method not working,,, help pls.. tq
