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Guide for how to use Cobra black fin :
1. Cobra black fin
2. Black software V1.0
3. PSV console
Note:BlackFin is currently supported up to PS Vita Firmware 3.57. We are currently developing support for Firmware 3.60. Please do not update your console past 3.57 FW in the meantime.
Step1: First run and Emulator Initialization
Unzip the balck software V1.0, click Drivers and Run CDM211216_Setup ,and following the instruction to install the FTDI drivers for the BlackFin Reader hardware.
Notice : The Blackfin dongle requires a driver which also includes in the black software files .Navigate to control panel of your PC - Device manager -select Blackfin dongle as below :
After this select Browse my computer for driver software: #Enter C:\Blackfin-1.0\Drives on the search bank
Click next, the drive for BlackFin Dongle will be installed automatically. After installed, open the BlackFin application and make sure that the BlackFin Reader tab appears in the window.
Insert a blank Micro SD card into your BlackFin Emulator, then insert it into any one of the seven card slots of the BlackFin Reader. Select BlackFin Emulator and click Card Emulator>Format Card. Now the Micro SD card has been formatted.
Setting the server to use with the BlackFin Software
You can set your BlackFin Software to connect to localhost (your own computer) which means that only original games connected to your PC and BlackFin Reader can be played, a public server will allow you to play any of the games available on the server.
# For localhost (your own computer), open C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\BlackFin\settings.conf and set: server-hostname=localhost. If you set the server-hostname to localhost, then you need to run the BlackFin Server(BlackFinServer.exe) whenever you wish to use the BlackFin Application.
# For Cobra BlackFin:
Authenticating your game cards
1.First, select the card to authenticate
2. At this point, the BlackFin Emulator must not be inserted in the Reader or in
Playstation Vita, or the Vita must be off
3. Then select Authenticate card from the reader’s menu
4. The Software will start scanning for the BlackFin Emulator
5.You can now turn the Vita on and/or insert the BlackFin Emulator in the Vita
6.Once the BlackFin Emulator is inserted in the Vita, it will be detected by the Software and authentication of the game card will begin #After it is finished, the game is recognized by the BlackFin Software
Dumping a Vita Game Card to disk
Only a authenticated game card can be dumped.
1. Select the game card.
2. Select the Dump to disk option and choose the directory and filename to save the ISO file to
3.The game content will be dumped to the ISO file.
Adding a game dump to the BlackFin Emulator MicroSD
Insert the formatted Micro SD card into your BlackFin Emulator, then insert it into any one of the seven card slots of the BlackFin Reader.
1. Select the BlackFin Emulator and select the Add Game button
2. Select ISO file you want to add to the Micro SD card
3. The game will be added to BlackFin Emulator MicroSD.
Launching a game through the BlackFin Emulator
1.Make sure formatted microSd card with ISO games inserted into the Blackfin emulator.
2.The Balckfin emulator must not be inserted in reader or in psv console ,or the vita must off.
3.Select the card emulator tab
4.Press the Bluetooth connect button can now turn the vita on and insert the balck fin emulator in the vita
6.the sofeware wil dipaly the list of the games available on the emulator
7. you can play games in green; the games in red are not available on the server ,so it cannot play . select the green color games you want to play and to launch.